Holistična preventiva in zdravljenje za samoizpolnitev. Delamo 30 let.
Nekateri pomembnejši certifikati
1989-1999 Holotropic Breathing Training
1993-1996 Reiki Master Certification Training
1996-1999 Homeopathy Training (3 years) with Prof. dr. sc. Edvin Dervišević, MD; specialist of acupuncture and homeopathy
1999-2015 OM KARA Kriya Yoga:Studied with lineage holder Swami Anandakapila (Dr. John Mumford) and Polona Sepe in Slovenia and Australia.
2001 Applied Synergetix Certification Training
2002-2005 Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification Training
2003-2006 Touch for Health Practitioner Certification Training.
2003-2007 Diploma Somatic Craniosacral Therapy Certification Training (4 years)
2004 Systemic psychotherapy and consulting seminar
2006 Neuro Linguistic Programming Instructor Certification Training
2006 Passed national medical exams in anatomy, physiology, pathology, phycology, first aid.
2007 Touch for Health Instructor Certification Training
2008 Neuro Linguistic Programming Coach Certification Training
2008 Ayurvedic Studies: Participated in seminars at the Vaidyagrama Ayurvedic Centre in India (2008–ongoing) and completed Ayurvedic cooking training with Daniela Wolff in Austria in 2017.
2010 Touch for Health Practicum Certification Training
2012 Craniosacral therapy: The way of the viscera, Post Graduate training.
2012 School for clinical Mentors: Seminar in didactics
2016 Certificate: Operator of Bioresonance medical device SensitivImago.
2017-2018 Bioresonance Therapist Certification Training (1 year training included also different areas: Detoxification, Pathology and Bioresonance Treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine and testing of energies)
2018 Touch for Health Consultant
2018-2019 Orthomolecular medicine Certification Training: the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of natural substances.
2020-2021 Academy for success, Andy Harrington
2021 TFH instructor update, Helena Arguelles
2022 Creating the Life You Want by Sylvia Marina
2024 TFH instructor update, Helena Arguelles
2024 TFH Vibrational seminar, Helena Arguelles
1. Z mojim znanjem sem si ozdravila agresivno obliko žleznega hormonskega raka. Vse moje prednice so za rakom umrle, sem prva ozdravela in prva, ki sem odklonila farmacevtski pristop.
2. Nihče v naših familijah nima svojega podjetja. Popolnoma sem zamenjala svoje vzorce, ki sem jih prinesla iz družine, da lahko stopam na poti samoizpolnitve.